Virginia's current performance management system is comprised of four, linked processes:
strategic planning, performance measurement, program evaluation, and performance budgeting.
The figure below presents one way to show the linkages between these processes.
Because the processes are designed to work together to manage the performance of state
government, this system is referred to as the Virginia's "performance management" system.
Definitions of each of the four components of the state's performance management system are as follows:
- Strategic planning: Systematic clarification and documentation of what an organization wishes to achieve and how to achieve it.
- Performance measurement: Systematic collection and reporting of information that track resources used, work produced, and intended results achieved.
- Program evaluation: Systematic collection and analysis of information to determine a program's performance and reasons for achieving the level of performance.
- Performance budgeting: Systematic incorporation of performance information (planning, performance measurement, and evaluation information) into the budgetary process.
Taken as a whole, these components provide multiple tools and streams of information that
policy and decision-makers, the general public, and state employees can use to manage strategy
and improve and communicate the results of government services. These three key uses of
Virginia's managing for results system can be further broken out as follows.
Manage Strategy
- Support strategic and operational planning
- Guide resource allocation
- Enhance accountability
- Identify partners for collaborations
Improve Performance
- Identify effective practices
- Support organizational learning
- Facilitate organizational redesign
- Recognize and reward successes
- Recruit and retain talented staff
- Identify training needs
Communicate Results
- Substantiate funding requests
- Demonstrate effectiveness to internal/external audiences
- Enhance agency's program's public image
- Recognize and reward successes
- Promote a program to referral sources