The 2009 Executive Budget Document
Department of Accounts Transfer Payments
Mission Statement
To provide financial assistance to the localities and to administer the Revenue Stabilization Fund, Virginia Education Loan Authority Reserve Fund, and the Line of Duty Act as required by the Code of Virginia.
Operating Budget History
General Fund | Nongeneral Fund | Positions | |
2005 Appropriation | $ 191,568,057 | $ 2,044,778 | 0.00 |
2006 Appropriation | $ 644,219,759 | $ 2,044,778 | 0.00 |
2007 Appropriation | $ 168,597,412 | $ 1,044,778 | 0.00 |
2008 Appropriation | $ 179,423,706 | $ 64,703,732 | 0.00 |
General Fund | Nongeneral Fund | Positions | |
2009 Base Budget | $ 78,698,803 | $ 69,950,603 | 0.00 |
2009 Addenda | $ (2,434,516) | $ 2,641,172 | 0.00 |
2009 Total | $ 76,264,287 | $ 72,591,775 | 0.00 |
2010 Base Budget | $ 58,678,276 | $ 75,758,630 | 0.00 |
2010 Addenda | $ (2,080,145) | $ (3,598,009) | 0.00 |
2010 Total | $ 56,598,131 | $ 72,160,621 | 0.00 |
Recommended Operating Budget Addenda
Adjust Department of Accounts transfer payments for localitiesAdjusts transfer payments for localities in accordance with revenue projections. For 2009, $510,000 (GF) and $2.6 million (NGF). For 2010, an increase of $510,000 (GF) and a decrease of $3.6 million (NGF).
Budget Reduction Strategies
December Reduction Strategies
Change line of duty funding
Adjusts the projected line of duty death and health insurance benefits to a pay-as-you-go basis for the current biennium.
FY 2009 FY 2010 General Fund Savings $ (2,944,516) $ (2,590,145)