The 2009 Executive Budget Document
9(D) Revenue Bonds
Mission Statement
General Fund | Nongeneral Fund | Positions | |
2009 Total | $ 0 | $ 0 | 0.00 |
2010 Total | $ 0 | $ 0 | 0.00 |
Capital Totals for the Biennium
General Fund 2008-10 Biennium |
Nongeneral Fund 2008-10 Biennium |
Debt 2008-10 Biennium |
$ (250,000,000) | $ 0 | $ 350,000,000 |
Recommended Capital Budget Addenda
Supplant higher education project amounts with bond proceedsProvides the bond proceeds required to replace supplanted general fund amounts from various capital projects in the state supported institutions of higher education. For the biennium, $287.4 million (NGF) and a reduction of $195.0 million (GF).
Supplant general fund dollars with bond proceeds for various non-higher education projectsProvides the bond proceeds required to replace supplanted general fund amounts from various capital projects in the non-higher education agencies. For the biennium, $62.6 million (NGF) and a reduction of $55.0 million (GF).