The 2010 Executive Budget Document
Compensation Board
Mission Statement
The Compensation Board's mission is to determine a reasonable budget for the participation of the Commonwealth toward the total cost of office operations for constitutional officers, and to assist those officers and their staff through automation, training and other means, to improve efficiencies and to enhance the level of services provided to the citizens of Virginia.
Operating Budget Summary
General Fund | Nongeneral Fund | Personnel Cost | |
2007 Appropriation | $ 596,553,024 | $ 11,728,126 | $ 2,611,972 |
2008 Appropriation | $ 617,869,937 | $ 11,728,126 | $ 2,611,972 |
2009 Appropriation | $ 648,725,578 | $ 17,731,384 | $ 10,249,612 |
2010 Appropriation | $ 631,050,421 | $ 20,229,597 | $ 2,004,423 |
2011 Base Budget | $ 631,050,421 | $ 20,229,597 | $ 2,004,423 |
2011 Addenda | $ (117,774,407) | $ 10,300,448 | $ (617,550) |
2011 Total | $ 513,276,014 | $ 30,530,045 | $ 1,386,873 |
2012 Base Budget | $ 631,050,421 | $ 20,229,597 | $ 2,004,423 |
2012 Addenda | $ (128,233,097) | $ 23,674,170 | $ (617,550) |
2012 Total | $ 502,817,324 | $ 43,903,767 | $ 1,386,873 |
General Fund | Nongeneral Fund | Total Positions | |
2007 Appropriation | 25.00 | 1.00 | 26.00 |
2008 Appropriation | 25.00 | 1.00 | 26.00 |
2009 Appropriation | 23.00 | 1.00 | 24.00 |
2010 Appropriation | 23.00 | 1.00 | 24.00 |
2011 Base Budget | 23.00 | 1.00 | 24.00 |
2011 Addenda | (3.00) | 0.00 | (3.00) |
2011 Total | 20.00 | 1.00 | 21.00 |
2012 Base Budget | 23.00 | 1.00 | 24.00 |
2012 Addenda | (3.00) | 0.00 | (3.00) |
2012 Total | 20.00 | 1.00 | 21.00 |
Recommended Operating Budget Addenda
Distribute Central Appropriations amounts to agency budgetsAdjusts the agency budget to reflect amounts moved to or from Central Appropriations to cover the cost of items such as changes in retirement and other benefit contribution rates, as well as the distribution of other centrally funded items.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($215,259) ($215,259)
Annualize funding to support newly opened local and regional jailsProvides funding to support newly opened local and regional jail operations on an annual basis. Previous funding for these operations was provided for only a partial fiscal year.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund $5,881,603 $5,881,603
Restore one-time reduction strategyRestores a one-time savings strategy approved by the Governor and reflected as one-time in the databases, documents and websites. This strategy relied upon shifting a portion of the surety bond premium expense payment from FY 2010 to FY 2009. This provided a savings only in FY 2010.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund $113,490 $113,490
Reverse Technology Trust Fund general fund supplantRestores general fund dollars that were supplanted with Technology Trust Fund dollars. This strategy was previously approved by the Governor and General Assembly as a one-time strategy for FY 2010.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund $1,498,213 $1,498,213
Distribute funding of the retiree health care credit to constitutional officesDistributes funding from the Compensation Board's administrative services area to each of the constitutional offices to support their retiree health care credit costs.
Adjust funding for payroll service bureau costsAdjusts funding associated with mandated entry into the Payroll Service Bureau in the Department of Accounts.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($35) ($35)
Provide staffing for new jailsProvides funding for the staffing of three new or expanded jail facilities currently under construction and/or planned for opening in the FY 2011-2012 biennium. All staffing requests are based upon staffing recommendations of the Department of Corrections, standards adopted by the Compensation Board and per Items 76F and 59E of Chapter 781, 2009 Appropriation Act. Funding supports an expansion of the Pittsylvania County Jail, a new facility to replace the existing Patrick County Jail and an expansion of the Rappahannock Regional Jail.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund $2,326,937 $2,443,441
Provide funding for increases in the cost of reimbursements for Constitutional Officer retirementProvides funding for the estimated cost of projected increases in reimbursements made to localities for Constitutional Officer retirement resulting from changes in employer contribution rates for state employee retirement. Reimbursements for Constitutional Officer retirement are based on the employer rates paid for state employee retirement. An increase in state employee rates results in a projected increase in Constitutional Officer retirement payments.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund $1,384,915 $1,384,915
Provide funding for increases in the cost of reimbursements for Constitutional Officer group life insuranceProvides funding for the estimated cost of projected increases in reimbursements made to localities for Constitutional Officer group life insurance resulting from employer contribution rate changes.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund $299,153 $299,153
Adjust revenue estimate for excess court fees
FY 2011 FY 2012 Revenue/Transfers $3,028,659 $3,028,659
Provide funding for the cost of housing state responsible inmates in local and regional jailsProvides funding to pay per diem to local and regional jails for housing additional state responsible inmates. Additional per diem funding is required to support state responsible inmates in local jails due to the Department of Corrections housing out-of-state inmates.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund $1,564,920 $878,400
Implement across-the-board reduction on Commonwealth's AttorneysImplements a five percent across-the-board reduction and authorizes the Compensation Board to change historical reduction strategies to across-the-board reductions.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($2,522,576) ($2,522,576)
Reduce discretionary expendituresReduces discretionary expenditures, including reductions in equipment supplied by the Virginia Information Technologies Agency.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($2,818) ($2,818)
Eliminate and consolidate agency responsibilitiesEliminates three vacant positions.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($218,409) ($218,409) Authorized Positions (3.00) (3.00)
Reduce office spaceReduces agency office space and associated rental charges.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($5,000) ($5,000)
Implement across-the-board reduction on Commissioners of Revenue officesImplements a five percent across-the-board reduction and authorizes the Compensation Board to change historical reduction strategies to across-the-board reductions.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($536,748) ($536,748)
Restore reductions to constitutional officesRemoves funding restored by the General Assembly to offset reductions to Sheriffs, Commonwealth Attorneys, Circuit Court Clerks, Treasurers, Directors of Finance, and Commissioners of Revenue offices.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($14,291,113) ($14,291,113)
Implement across-the-board reduction on Treasurers' officesImplements a five percent across-the-board reduction and authorizes the Compensation Board to change historical reduction strategies to across-the-board reductions.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($530,681) ($530,681)
Implement across-the-board reduction on Directors of Finance officesImplements a five percent across-the-board reduction and authorizes the Compensation Board to change historical reduction strategies to across-the-board reductions.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($310,651) ($310,651)
Implement across-the-board reduction on Circuit Court Clerks' officesImplements a five percent across-the-board reduction and authorizes the Compensation Board to change historical reduction strategies to across-the-board reductions.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($1,481,378) ($1,481,378)
Shift mainframe support costs to local and regional users of the Local Inmate Data SystemRedirects mainframe transaction costs charged by the Virginia Information Technologies Agency to local and regional jail facilities.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($102,000) ($102,000)
Reduce administrative overhead to contractor for support of victim notification programReduces funding provided to the Virginia Center for Policing Innovation.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($11,221) ($11,221)
Supplant general fund support for dispatchersSupplants general fund support for local dispatchers funded through the Compensation Board with E-911 funding.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($2,000,000) ($2,000,000) Nongeneral Fund $2,000,000 $2,000,000
Eliminate state support for retirement and life insurance premiums to constitutional officesEliminates state support for retirement and life insurance premiums to constitutional offices.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($30,820,798) ($30,820,798)
Suspend Career Development Program fundingSuspends the funding for the Career Development Programs for constitutional offices.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($5,675,021) ($5,675,021)
Remove state aid for local office operations for the commissioners of the revenueEliminates state aid for local office operations for the commissioners of the revenue.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($9,000,444) ($9,000,444)
Remove state aid for local office operations for the treasurersEliminates state aid for local office operations for the treasurers.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($8,425,825) ($8,425,825)
Remove state aid for local office operations for the directors of financeEliminates state aid for local office operations for the directors of finance.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($5,162,339) ($5,162,339)
Supplant circuit court clerks' operating costs with Technology Trust Fund revenueSupplants general fund dollars supporting the circuit court clerks' offices with Technology Trust Fund revenue.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($1,498,213) ($1,498,213)
Adjust liability insurance and bond premium paymentsChanges responsibility of localities to fund the remaining 50 percent of the retiree health care credit and liability insurance for constitutional officers and their employees.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($1,650,374) ($1,650,374)
Achieve savings generated by the early release of inmates from prisonsAchieves savings derived from strategy to release nonviolent inmates 60 days earlier than usual.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($2,610,480) $0
Adjust per diem rates paid to local and regional jails for housing local and state responsible inmatesEstablishes new per diem rates paid to localities for housing local and state responsible inmates. Local responsible per diem rate was lowered to $4 per day and state responsible per diem rate was increased to $12 per day.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($19,587,856) ($19,261,327)
Implement an across-the-board reduction to circuit court clerksImplements an 11 percent across-the-board reduction to circuit court clerks.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($3,255,922) ($3,255,922)
Adjust local law enforcement deputy ratio to local populationAdjusts the ratio for funding local law enforcement deputies from 1:1,500 to 1:2,000 (deputies to local population).
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($12,628,029) ($12,079,990)
Supplant law enforcement general fund support with Virginia Public Safety FundSupplants general fund supporting local law enforcement deputies with revenue from the Virginia Public Safety Fund (casualty and property insurance tax revenue).
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($4,150,224) ($10,837,085) Nongeneral Fund $4,150,224 $10,837,085
Supplant court security general fund support with Virginia Public Safety FundSupplants general fund supporting local court security deputies with revenue from the Virginia Public Safety Fund (casualty and property insurance tax revenue).
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($4,150,224) ($10,837,085) Nongeneral Fund $4,150,224 $10,837,085
Authorize localities to establish offices of financeAuthorizes counties and cities to establish offices of finance. Other budget amendments eliminate funding for treasurers and commissioners of revenue offices. This authorization allows all counties and cities to establish offices of finances that would assume the duties of the offices of treasures and commissioners of revenue.
Delete clerks' Technology Trust Fund languageRemoves language that provided the Newport News circuit court clerk's office funds from the Technology Trust Fund.