The 2010 Executive Budget Document
Department of General Services
Mission Statement
The Department of General Services (DGS) is a service agency supporting the mission of governments by delivering quality, cost-effective, timely, safe and secure laboratory, engineering and architecture, procurement, real estate, vehicle management, and graphic design services, while also serving businesses and citizens.
Operating Budget Summary
General Fund | Nongeneral Fund | Personnel Cost | |
2007 Appropriation | $ 23,435,893 | $ 21,836,764 | $ 36,576,617 |
2008 Appropriation | $ 23,206,698 | $ 35,906,637 | $ 36,640,633 |
2009 Appropriation | $ 23,235,848 | $ 39,322,461 | $ 41,788,592 |
2010 Appropriation | $ 22,064,411 | $ 39,322,461 | $ 42,339,782 |
2011 Base Budget | $ 22,064,411 | $ 39,322,461 | $ 42,339,782 |
2011 Addenda | $ (3,580,358) | $ 1,260,000 | $ (2,069,779) |
2011 Total | $ 18,484,053 | $ 40,582,461 | $ 40,270,003 |
2012 Base Budget | $ 22,064,411 | $ 39,322,461 | $ 42,339,782 |
2012 Addenda | $ (3,580,358) | $ 1,260,000 | $ (2,069,779) |
2012 Total | $ 18,484,053 | $ 40,582,461 | $ 40,270,003 |
General Fund | Nongeneral Fund | Total Positions | |
2007 Appropriation | 250.70 | 404.30 | 655.00 |
2008 Appropriation | 249.50 | 405.50 | 655.00 |
2009 Appropriation | 254.00 | 408.50 | 662.50 |
2010 Appropriation | 256.00 | 408.50 | 664.50 |
2011 Base Budget | 256.00 | 408.50 | 664.50 |
2011 Addenda | (14.00) | 6.00 | (8.00) |
2011 Total | 242.00 | 414.50 | 656.50 |
2012 Base Budget | 256.00 | 408.50 | 664.50 |
2012 Addenda | (14.00) | 6.00 | (8.00) |
2012 Total | 242.00 | 414.50 | 656.50 |
Capital Totals for the Biennium
General Fund 2010-12 Biennium |
Nongeneral Fund 2010-12 Biennium |
Debt 2010-12 Biennium |
$ 913,000 | $ 0 | $ 0 |
Recommended Operating Budget Addenda
Distribute Central Appropriations amounts to agency budgetsAdjusts the agency budget to reflect amounts moved to or from Central Appropriations to cover the cost of items such as changes in retirement and other benefit contribution rates, as well as the distribution of other centrally funded items.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($598,106) ($598,106)
Transfer funding for personal servicesTransfers funding for professional architectural and engineering staff to agency operating budget. Funding is currently located in section reserved for statewide capital.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund $300,000 $300,000
Increase special fundingAdjusts special fund appropriation to allow for federal procurement rebates to be recorded as expenditures.
FY 2011 FY 2012 Nongeneral Fund $200,000 $200,000
Distribute administrative lease feesTransfers amounts for fees charged to agencies for central lease administration from the Department of General Services to agency budgets to cover general fund cost of these charges.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($828,142) ($828,142)
Adjust nongeneral fund appropriationsIncreases nongeneral fund appropriation which offsets general fund reduction for statewide contract surcharge fees, approved in the August 2008 statewide reduction plan.
FY 2011 FY 2012 Nongeneral Fund $180,000 $180,000
Remove funding for vacant cost estimator positionEliminates one capital outlay management cost estimator position.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($140,000) ($140,000) Authorized Positions (1.00) (1.00)
Supplant funding for purchase and supply bid tabulation positionsReallocates personnel funding costs from general fund to nongeneral purchase and supply funds.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($495,000) ($495,000) Nongeneral Fund $495,000 $495,000
Eliminate nonessential laboratory servicesEliminates refugee screening and milk and dairy tests performed by laboratory services. Eliminated tests can be performed by private labs, if necessary.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($174,000) ($174,000) Authorized Positions (2.00) (2.00)
Eliminate positions for laboratory testing servicesEliminates four administrative positions in laboratory testing services and improves operational efficiency.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($344,693) ($344,693) Authorized Positions (4.00) (4.00)
Improve efficiency of director's officeEliminates one vacant position and reallocates resources in the director's office to improve efficiency of operations and cost-effectiveness. Also, a graphics position will be funded by charging agencies for work completed.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($575,417) ($575,417) Authorized Positions (1.00) (1.00)
Fund purchase and supply account position with nongeneral fundReallocates personnel funding costs from general fund to nongeneral purchase and supply funds.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($385,000) ($385,000) Nongeneral Fund $385,000 $385,000
Improve efficiency of lab courier servicesRenegotiates contracts and vendor services to realize efficiencies in lab courier services.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($120,000) ($120,000)
Reduce funding for furnitureRemoves annual allocation for furniture replacement in Governor's mansion.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($10,000) ($10,000)
Reduce funding for building condition reporting system (FICAS - Facility Inventory Condition and Assessment System)Reduces funding for upgrades and changes to statewide building condition reporting system.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($50,000) ($50,000)
Supplant funding for cost reviewerFunds one capital outlay cost reviewer from capital project appropriations. Agencies will be expensed for work.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($160,000) ($160,000)
Recommended Capital Budget Addenda
Fund equipment for War Memorial additionFunds furniture and equipment for education center addition to Virginia War Memorial to be completed in fall 2010.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund $913,000 $0