The 2010 Executive Budget Document
Department of Corrections
Mission Statement
The Department of Corrections enhances public safety by providing effective programming and supervising sentenced offenders in a humane, cost-efficient manner, consistent with sound correctional principles and constitutional standards.
Operating Budget Summary
General Fund | Nongeneral Fund | Personnel Cost | |
2007 Appropriation | $ 893,996,503 | $ 62,961,190 | $ 635,668,146 |
2008 Appropriation | $ 961,710,539 | $ 64,461,190 | $ 673,000,380 |
2009 Appropriation | $ 1,000,801,763 | $ 58,224,963 | $ 729,227,903 |
2010 Appropriation | $ 974,791,129 | $ 59,904,963 | $ 677,142,939 |
2011 Base Budget | $ 974,791,129 | $ 59,904,963 | $ 677,142,939 |
2011 Addenda | $ (42,056,966) | $ 17,097,988 | $ (35,951,259) |
2011 Total | $ 932,734,163 | $ 77,002,951 | $ 641,191,680 |
2012 Base Budget | $ 974,791,129 | $ 59,904,963 | $ 677,142,939 |
2012 Addenda | $ (43,709,364) | $ 17,097,988 | $ (36,562,263) |
2012 Total | $ 931,081,765 | $ 77,002,951 | $ 640,580,676 |
General Fund | Nongeneral Fund | Total Positions | |
2007 Appropriation | 13,487.00 | 252.50 | 13,739.50 |
2008 Appropriation | 13,507.00 | 252.50 | 13,759.50 |
2009 Appropriation | 12,721.50 | 217.50 | 12,939.00 |
2010 Appropriation | 12,721.50 | 217.50 | 12,939.00 |
2011 Base Budget | 12,721.50 | 217.50 | 12,939.00 |
2011 Addenda | (570.00) | 0.00 | (570.00) |
2011 Total | 12,151.50 | 217.50 | 12,369.00 |
2012 Base Budget | 12,721.50 | 217.50 | 12,939.00 |
2012 Addenda | (570.00) | 0.00 | (570.00) |
2012 Total | 12,151.50 | 217.50 | 12,369.00 |
Recommended Operating Budget Addenda
Distribute Central Appropriations amounts to agency budgetsAdjusts the agency budget to reflect amounts moved to or from Central Appropriations to cover the cost of items such as changes in retirement and other benefit contribution rates, as well as the distribution of other centrally funded items.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($17,367,279) ($17,367,279)
Increase appropriation for correctional enterprisesIncreases the appropriation for correctional enterprises to meet expected expenditure levels.
FY 2011 FY 2012 Nongeneral Fund $6,000,000 $6,000,000
Increase appropriation of corrections construction unitIncreases the appropriation for the corrections construction unit to meet expected expenditure levels. This unit uses inmates on many small construction projects, both within the Department of Corrections and in other agencies.
FY 2011 FY 2012 Nongeneral Fund $1,100,000 $1,100,000
Delete unfunded positionsDeletes unfunded and vacant positions that have resulted from a variety of actions, including privatization of food services and medical services at several correctional facilities.
FY 2011 FY 2012 Authorized Positions (120.50) (120.50)
Distribute amounts for real estate fees to agency budgetsTransfers amounts for fees charged to agencies for central lease administration from the Department of General Services to agency budgets.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund $259,101 $259,101
Increase appropriation for federal grantProvides an appropriation for a federal grant that the agency will receive to implement evidence-based substance abuse treatment programs.
FY 2011 FY 2012 Nongeneral Fund $200,000 $200,000
Increase funding for inmate medical costsIncreases funding for the provision of medical care for inmates to account for rising costs.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund $4,668,846 $4,668,846
Replace out-of-state inmate revenueReplaces nongeneral fund revenue from the housing of out-of-state inmates with general fund appropriation. Two years ago, the agency's general fund appropriation was reduced in anticipation of it receiving the revenue from out-of-state inmates. Wyoming, the state with which the Commonwealth contracted, has ended the contract and returned the inmates to Wyoming prisons.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund $8,700,000 $8,700,000
Close Botetourt Correctional CenterCloses Botetourt Correctional Center in Botetourt County.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($2,387,991) ($2,546,339) Authorized Positions (121.00) (121.00)
Close Brunswick Correctional CenterCloses Brunswick Correctional Center in the town of Lawrenceville in Brunswick County.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($19,895,069) ($20,347,725) Revenue/Transfers $20,000,000 $0 Authorized Positions (328.50) (328.50)
Capture information system development balancesCaptures balance from prior funding no longer needed for development of information technology system. The agency was provided funding in previous years to develop an integrated inmate information system. The development and implementation of that system will be completed early in FY 2011.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($4,642,100) ($5,629,393) Nongeneral Fund ($400,000) ($400,000)
Eliminate payment in lieu of taxes for prisonsEliminates funding for payments to localities in lieu of taxes for prisons. Language added to the budget bill exempts the Department of Corrections from the statutory provision requiring state agencies from making payments in lieu of taxes.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($1,429,575) ($1,429,575)
House additional out-of-state inmatesAdjusts funding levels to account for costs and revenue resulting from housing 1,000 additional out-of-state inmates. The nongeneral fund appropriation is the addition to the existing base appropriation for out-of-state inmate revenue that will be needed. The reduction in general fund appropriation is the amount of the agency's general fund appropriation that will be replaced with revenue from housing these out-of-state inmates.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($9,867,000) ($9,867,000) Nongeneral Fund $10,047,988 $10,047,988
Capture savings from increased efficiency in use of pharmaceuticalsCaptures savings that will be realized by the agency prescribing a less expensive generic medication for inmates with psychiatric problems.
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund ($150,000) ($150,000)
Fund additional prison costs resulting from legislationProvides the "Woodrum" appropriation for legislation proposed by the Governor. The legislation would increase the penalty for anyone convicted of assaulting an Alcoholic Beverage Control law enforcement officer. State law requires that any legislation that would result in an increase in prison population over the succeeding six years from its enactment be accompanied by an appropriation that would cover the increased operating costs in one year resulting from those additional inmates. (This is often referred to as the "Woodrum amendment".)
FY 2011 FY 2012 General Fund $54,101 $0
Provide funding for training for evidence-based practicesProvides funding to support training of probation and parole officers in the implementation of evidence-based practices in the supervision of offenders.
FY 2011 FY 2012 Nongeneral Fund $150,000 $150,000
Tie jail construction funding into regular budget development processRequires jail construction and renovation projects that have been approved by the Board of Corrections to be submitted to the Department of Planning and Budget for inclusion in the regular budget development process.
Change the scope of the dairy and dairy processing center capital projectChanges the scope of the existing capital project to build a new dairy barn and milking parlor to include the renovation of the existing dairy facility.