If you click on a button or text link to one of our documents, your browser should either (1) initiate a download and ask you where to store the file or (2) open the file directly within your browser where you can then choose File/Save from the pull down menus or (3) it may ask you if you want to open the file directly or save the file to your computer. The more reliable choice is to save the file to your local computer and then open it.
What if you browser will not open or prompt you properly when you click on a link?
If your browser does not do this properly, most browsers will allow you to download the item using the right mouse button. Right click on the button or link and choose "Save Target As" or "Save Link As" from the pop up menu. Choose a location on our local computer to save the document. Then minimize or exit your browser and locate the file and open it the way you would normally open a document on your computer.
For more information on the types of files you will find on our website see the HTML and Document Standards section of our Policies page.