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Virginia's Budget
Budget Development Agency Submissions Budget Execution Chart of Accounts Other Budget Links
2022 - 2024 Biennium
July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2024
Governor's Proposed Budget

arrow The 2023 Executive Budget Document - Governor Glenn Youngkin presented his proposed budget on December 15, 2022

arrow The 2022 Executive Budget Document - Governor Ralph Northam presented his proposed budget on December 16, 2021

Enacted Budget

arrow The 2022-2024 Initial Budget - The final budget adopted by the General Assembly and signed by the Governor

Operating Dollars and Positions     Click on the Budget Round Description for more details
Budget Round Description Year Passed Chapter Number 2023 Dollars 2024 Dollars 2023 Positions 2024 Positions
Initial Budget 2022 2 $ 80,673,362,231 $ 78,804,435,302 125,105.63 125,436.63
Amended Budget 2023 1 $ 81,065,357,358 $ 83,829,224,669 125,105.63 125,574.63
Capital Projects     Click on the Budget Round Description for more details
Budget Round Description Year Passed Chapter Number 2023 Capital Appropriation 2024 Capital Appropriation
Initial Budget 2022 2 $ 2,884,512,709 $ 399,650,000
Amended Budget 2023 1 $ 2,984,512,709 $ 922,827,593
Caboose Budget 2024 1 $ 0 $ 740,000