Virginia's Budget
The following information is provided to DPB each fall during the development of the Governor's budget introduced to the General Assembly each December.
Agency Operating Budget Requests
The Commonwealth provides the opportunity for agencies to submit requests to modify their operating budgets, known as decision packages, to be considered for the Governor's introduced budget. Requests are optional: Some requests are simply technical adjustments which are modifications that do not involve changes in policy and do not have significant budgetary impact; The majority of requests are proposals to modify an agency's budget or to modify language in the Appropriation Act that results in a new initiative, a change or clarification in policy, or a significant budgetary impact.
Agency Capital Budget Requests
The Commonwealth provides the opportunity for agencies to submit requests to modify their capital budgets for consideration to be included in the Governor's introduced budget. The submissions include update considerations for the Commonwealth's Six-Year Capital Outlay Plan and the maintenance reserve program.
Supplemental Reports
The Commonwealth is responsible for gathering and processing agency submissions of "supplemental reporting" - information providing data on federal grants, organizational memberships, and out-year costs. DPB collects the submissions of this information from state agencies and shares them with the Governor's office and the General Assembly. The submissions are only required from agencies with applicable activities. More specifically, only agencies with federal grant funding greater than $1.0 million, with organizational membership dues of $5,000 or more, and with anticipated out-year costs (such as building operating costs) beyond the current biennium.