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Virginia's Budget
Budget Development Agency Submissions Budget Execution Chart of Accounts Other Budget Links
The Commonwealth begins each Fiscal year with the goal of implementing the budget as passed by the General Assembly and signed into law by the Governor. The Code of Virginia allows the Governor to make certain adjustments to the Budget. Changes in Federal legislation, inclement weather and uncertain revenue collections, are just a few examples of events that may require adjustments to the budget in order to maintain the balanced budget as required by Virginia's constitution.
Budget Execution Adjustments
bulletSee all adjustments to Virginia's budget for this fiscal year.
bulletSee all nongeneral fund cash balance requests for this fiscal year.
bulletSee all transfers between agencies for the last month. (The Code of Virginia requires DPB to produce this report.)

Operating Plans
The budget begins as the official chapter adopted by the Legislature and signed into law by the Governor. An operating plan shows the current budget resulting from legislative or administrative adjustments.
bulletOperating Plan for all State Agencies (May take 30 seconds or more to run)